Oof. This morning was not good for me. After all the spaghetti bolognase and meatballs the night before, I was nauseous and my intestines were working overtime. No way was I going to be able to leave at 7. I can’t imagine trying to quickly find a bathroom in the middle of a mown field. Sigh. I guess I’ll skip this leg and take a taxi to our next destination.
I told the boys, and they headed out without me. Bruce’s heels were killing him, and Bill’s knee was bothering him, so they lightened their packs and set out.
After laying around for about an hour or so, I felt that I could get out the door and not have to worry about the bathroom situation. Besides, I didn’t want to have to say that I skipped a part. So, I took my daypack, and loaded it with just water, and my first aid kit and set out. Amazing how much faster I could walk without the pack on.
I let the guys know I was on my way. They had stopped for breakfast and I told them not to wait, as I was NOT up for food. I was still having heartburn issues and burping up the dinner the night before. Not pleasant. By around 10am, I had caught up with them.
We had also found, Mike, the South African. He was taking a half a day off to do some work and journaling, then he was going to head out. Bruce started complaining about it heels and Mike gave him a pair of gel inserts and told us that when we get to Burgos, our next layover stop, to go to a specific store and they have all sorts of stuff we may find helpful on the Camino.
We headed out and walked along the highway most of the way. Not very many photos were taken, and I’m afraid that this landscape is much the same for the next several days. So, no video montage. But I will post a couple of photos I did take along the way.
We ran into a poor girl on the Camino who was obviously tired and sore. He backpack was way too big, and not at all worn properly. (Look at us, being all professional, like.). So we helped her adjust her lifting straps on her shoulders, which were all the way out. She had to lean really far forward to keep the pack from pulling her backwards. Then we adjusted her poles to the proper height and showed her how to hold them properly. When we ran into Mike later, we asked about her, since they seemed to know each other. He said they had already had the discussion about how big her pack was and that she needed to send stuff home. Evidently, she had already lighted her load by 4 kilos by the time we saw her. Wow. Poor thing. She was struggling.
We arrived at the town where we had to deviate off the camino and go a kilometer up the road to our hotel. But, this time we decided we better stop for something to eat, since we had no idea what to expect at our hotel. I had consommé to settle my stomach and give me some calories. At this point, I saw a sign from our hotel that said they’d come to get us. So, we did call the hotel, who came to fetch us. Thank goodness, we were all wiped out.
Very nice little hotel. No internet, and no cell service in the rooms. And, we are the only ones here, again. They are also making us some salads for dinner. And we get breakfast in the morning. Yay!
Typical view lately. Tiny little snake on the trail. Our yummy dinner Cute hostel living room.
Way to go Al!