I know, I said that Iceland was next. Belive me, so did I. But, I’m still wading thru the TONS of pictures and photographs I took. It’s so difficult to narrow it down because there are so many amazing photos of Iceland. I just want to limit it to the best. Because, in today’s world, long videos are so very outré.
But, I wanted to add this one. Now, in all honesty, I did not film or edit one iota of this video. It’s from my friend Harry Donenfeld with Aloha Ariels. He followed us around on this 10-day, once in a lifetime journey with Geoffrey Kent the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Abercrombie and Kent and his wife, Octavia to Palau in November 2016.

Harry was the air, under the water, over the water, and across land. He piloted the drone where so many of the amazing aerial videos came from. He was also brave enough to ride with me while I drove a Bad Boy Buggy. It was super slick, and it didn’t help that the steering wheel came unattached half-way thru the drive. But, we managed. He’s also a Trekkie, which gave him a special place on my list of friends.
If you are in and around Maui, or really anywhere and need an amazing photographer, contact Harry. I’m sure he’s love to capture your memories.
Now, this is a rather long video. 30 minutes, in fact. I won’t be offended if you don’t watch the whole thing. But, I betcha ya do!
Just click on the link and it will take you to a page where you will click the link that will take you to the Vimeo website where you will be able to view it. It make take some time to load the whole video, so be patient.